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A Frederick Maryland Wedding Venue
 Outdoor/ Garden Weddings
Affordable Weddings

Etiquette for an Outdoor Wedding Venue Tour

Debbie Donohue

Rules of Etiquette

when touring wedding venues

Whether you are from Frederick County, Westminster or Bethesda Maryland we all should be gracious to our hosts. It doesn't matter if its an outdoor wedding, garden ceremony or ballroom we want to be courteous.

You may think that I am referring to which fork to use or which type of wine glass works best with red versus white. Or maybe how to curtsy before royalty. But I am talking to brides, groom,s and their families. Here are some basic rules that all bridal couples should follow:

  1. If you ask for prices, availability and general information acknowledge that you did receive the requested information. We are taking our time to provide whatever you are needing so simply say that you got it and thank you. Moat times I end up sending the very same information three times and some times even follow up with a phone call. All because the couple didn't say “ Got it, Thanks”.

  2. If you ask for a Tour show up on time. If you are running late call the venue and tell them. Let them know how late you are running and make sure that its still OK to come. You may need to reschedule. Remember that a lot of venues have tours back to back. So you may be running into another brides time.

  3. If you cannot afford the venue, caterer etc. don't ask for a tour or tasting. I cannot tell you how many (LOTS) of couples ask for a tour and don't even know how much we cost. So I always send them a price sheet with as much information as possible first. That suddenly weeds out about 90% of my inquiries. I am amazed at the vast number of couples that come just to look and know that they will never book. Its frustrating. We spend hours preparing for a tour. We also spend a lot of money. We hire the grass crews to make everything fresh and manicured. We also hire a house keeper to clean everything. Not to mention the time we take out of our lives to add the finishing touches. We also put in another 3-4 hours each day getting things ready for the tour.

  4. Don't bring an army along just to look. Keep it down to the essential people that you need to help you make a decision. I have actually had a couple bring 20 people for the tour. It was chaos and no one agreed on anything.

  5. Think about getting a baby sitter for young kids. A tour isn't full of fun and excitement for young children. You are trying to decide if that wedding venue is where you want your outdoor reception to be. If you are running after children its hard to really get a good feeling.

  6. Don't bring animals unless you ask first. Of course service dogs for us are a non issue but for some venues no dags what so ever are allowed.

  7. Stay together. If we are giving you a tour stay with the guide and listen to whats being said. Sometimes we see part of the party just splitting off and they have no idea of what information they are missing out on.

  8. If the venue asks you later about booking , please let them know what you are doing. Its OK if you go with another wedding venue for your ceremony and reception, just tell us. We in turn will be gracious and wish you the very best of luck and happiness. We want you wedding ceremony and reception to be everything that you dreamed of.

Having said all of this I am happy to say that we have had very little trouble here. The families are been overwhelmingly gracious and more then kind. But I was asked to write this brief article about etiquette for touring wedding and reception venues so here it is :)!!


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